Live Private and Group Classes.
I've got my wildly popular Group Policy classes -- available LIVE or ONLINE. Both come with hands-on labs, ability to ask questions and get LIVE time with experts, including Jeremy Moskowitz, Enterprise Mobility MVP.
I've got my wildly popular Group Policy classes -- available LIVE or ONLINE. Both come with hands-on labs, ability to ask questions and get LIVE time with experts, including Jeremy Moskowitz, Enterprise Mobility MVP.
Taking the course will make you a more efficient administrator. It will make your desktops more secure and more predictable. You'll stop running around fighting fires. Your spouse will be happier because you'll get home on time for a change. Your boss will recognize the "base hits" and "quick fixes" you're putting in place, as well as the long term strategies you'll be implementing for success. Don't keep beating your head against the same problems day after day -- DO SOMETHING about it. Get smarter in this key area of day-to-day administration and make your problems GO AWAY.
First, you need to decide which classes are right for you. You need to decide between a LIVE course, or an ONLINE course. They're both effective; but I don't always offer the LIVE course. The ONLINE course is available RIGHT NOW. Watch this video testimonial (on right) of ADMINS LIKE YOU who have taken the course, and see how it has transformed their lives. When you're ready to experience the training, SIGN UP then GET SMARTER in Group Policy today.
Jeremy has performed Windows NT, Active Directory and Group Policy planning, training and implementation for some of the world’s largest organizations. Jeremy is a Microsoft MVP for Enterprise Mobility and was a Group Policy MVP for 15 years.
For years, James Conrad has been a sought-after consultant and trainer for Fortune 500 companies. James has been an exam writer for Microsoft MCSE exams and was a key contributor in determining MCSE exam objectives in the Microsoft Certification and Skills Assessment division.
All classes (LIVE and ONLINE) come with a 100% money back guarantee. If after taking the classes, you don't genuinely feel that the class' value was 10x what you paid, we'll refund your fees, PLUS I'll give you $100 check made out to YOU (not your company) for wasting your time. That's how confident I am this class will work for you.
Live Class | Dates | Cost | Instructor | Actions | |
No Public Classes Scheduled |
Call if you have 3 or more people to help us get started! In the meantime, click here to checkout our Online Class
Click below to view the syllabus and information for each of the classes we offer.
A class is declared on when you get the Welcome letter. A class needs 6 or 7 people paid up for a class to be declared on.
NO! Be sure you get the WELCOME LETTER which Officially Declares the class On. Only then is it appropriate to make travel arrangements.
Public classes are always taught by Jeremy Moskowitz. Private training is taught by either Jeremy or James.
You need a PC-based laptop pre-loaded with Windows 7 or greater. You need 4GB or more of RAM; 8GB recommended. You need about 100GB free space. You don't need to "pre-create" anything before coming to class; it's provided to you BEFORE showtime so you can be PREPARED before you arrive. Your machine needs to be 64-bit capable. There's a little test utility you can run to ensure your laptop is 64-bit capable. It's here: http://tinyurl.com/VMware64bitcheck. There is a LOT more information inside the welcome letter with a PDF attached called "Exactly How to Ensure Your Laptop Will be Prepared for Class." It's super clear, and even has a checklist.
Click the download button above to get a copy of the syllabus that lays out the topics we'll cover.
Email Laura at Laura [att] policypak.com or call 215-391-0096.
We only have limited numbers of seats per class. A student is considered PAID if a credit card has been charged, or we have received a check, or we have an official PO. Only paid students are guaranteed seats.
There is no penalty for substituting any student for another student up until the first day of class. This is NOT permitted "mid class."
Let's start out by saying, Jeremy has NEVER cancelled a class. But, anything is possible. And there is always a risk of the "unknown". Here are some examples of why a class could be cancelled:
If anything like this happens, and Jeremy cancels a class, then you will be refunded your exact purchased price you paid for the class. You will NOT be refunded any travel expenses or incidental expenses which were to get you to the class. So if it cost you $1,000,000 to fly in to see Jeremy speak, he will not be reimbursing you the $1,000,000 it cost you for that plane ticket. Again: GPanswers.com and Jeremy's liability of class cancellation starts and ends with the exact purchase price you paid for the class in the event of a cancellation on our part. Refunds will be made in the exact manner that funds were taken. Credit cards will be refunded or checks will be re-cut. Again, we've never cancelled a class. But anything can happen. And this is our policy.
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